District 12 Tributes Return Home

It was an intense ride but finally district twelve had another victor or victors .
During these two weeks the whole of district twelve couldn’t keep their eyes off of the television while the two tributes Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark of District 12 fought for their lives in the 74th annual Hunger Games.
The two star crossed lovers of district twelve ran into a small problem after Katniss volunteered for her sister Prim and Peeta was drawn from the bowl . Soon the two would be put into the arena where only one would live.
In an act for the two to stay together forever they were going to eat poisonous night-lock berries until they announced that there would be the two champions of the 74th annual hunger games. When the two arrived home that had a big surprise waiting for them. All their loved ones and the whole of district twelve waiting for them with a big celebration planed .
We have a quote from Katniss on why she would die with Peeta instead of winning the games herself and she said “I just couldn’t imagine life without him by my side”.
Now the two star crossed lovers have moved into the victors houses and are now spending time with their families.