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there are many different types of fiction genres. Three of them are comic strips, legends and thrillers. A Comic strip is a sequence of drawings, either in colour or black and white, relating a comic incident, an adventure or mystery story, etc., often serialized, typically having dialogue printed in balloons, and usually printed as a horizontal strip in daily newspapers and in an uninterrupted block or longer sequence of such strips in Sunday newspapers and in comic books. An example of a comic strip would be Batman:the killing joke. A legend is a non historical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical. An example of a legend is the legend of robin hood. A thriller is an exciting, suspenseful play or story, especially a mystery story. An example of a thriller is Zodiac.

My novels genre id fantasy because the definition of fantasy is a fictional genre could be described as something that contains rudiments that are not realistic, such as magical powers, talking animals. Fantasy is often characterized by a departure from the accepted rules by which individuals perceive the world around them it represents that which is impossible or unexplained and outside the parameters of our known reality. Make-believe is what this genre is all about. My book has talking intelligent animals in a world that is much like our own. The talking animals are all of the characters in my book like Soren and Gylfie which are owls. The world in the book is still earth but in an owls prospective so there are no big city’s no planes and no cars there are forests big caverns and flight.

The genres I enjoy reading are fantasy because I like to see worlds in a different prospective. action because I like a little fight or conflict while reading. realistic fiction because it gives me a prospective of our world that isn’t my own. comedy because I live humour and to laugh. legend because they are story handed down by tradition and relate to our history. historical fiction because I get to learn about our history as I read.